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After 23 mile bike

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After 11 mile began loop bike

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After 10 mile thornhill bike loop

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After a hilly 16 miles ride up Caerphily mountain twice.

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 After a 10m kom bagging local bike ride

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After a 2 hour turbo session (not hard, but not easy); happy with pace, quite a hilly route. Could easily have ran further, but not sure about a full half marathon! No probs even after both knees hurting for the last half hour of the turbo

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Brick session after 40 mile carephilly mtn + coast code ride. Felt good running, and managed sub 7 pace so happy with that, but the outside of my left knee started hurting about 1.5 miles in, and got sorer and sorer, Finished the planned distance but it was tough near the end. Feet and ankle seemed fine after yesterdays park run.

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Brick session, after 22 mile Caerphilly mountain ride. Chose to go opposite way from usual and straight up the hill to the mini-roundabout, tough. Also went a bit further round the back, where its a little hillier too. Good run though. It poured down 90% of the way down, absolutely tipping down, but was hot from the bike so not at all bothered by the rain.

Calves feel tight afterwards

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About 5 minutes after 40 mile bike ride (hadn't planned a run after the ride as did a 19:30 park run yesterday so shoes etc weren't set up). Had pins & needles in my feet as I started running but they soon went; otherwise just a hard run after 2 hours 20 mins on the bike. Tried to keep the average speed under 7 min/mile but couldn't (didnt try mega hard), My left calf and foot were sore all the way round, probably from yesterdays park run. Didnt run out of energy, even though total session was approx 2:45.

Very fast pace for the average hr!


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Brick session. Staight after a ~10 mile bike ride. -1C so wore hh freeze legs and top, and LG windproof top too. Was comfortable on the bike, apart from feet which got a bit achey near the end but nothing like as bad as previously (I wore white running socks in the bike shoes, and had endura mtb overshoes which seemed to work pretty well. 

Had a gel at the start of the run (took nearly a mile to eat it!) but the run was quite tough really. Nothing hurt, it was just tough to go any faster.

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After the bike I changed shoes again, but feet were really cold and numb and hurt a bit for the first half a mile or so but were OK after that. Had my second gel after half a mile or so, again fine but not sure if it helped. The run was OK, felt better than the first one really, but still slow.

After the 'duathlon' I felt tired; the leggings had rubbed my 'undercarriage' raw so getting into the bath afterwards was painful, but otherwise was OK, feet and legs weren't sore.

I should easily be able to improve on the run times next time!

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Cold (-3), early morning run to start my first full 'duathlon' training session (5km run, 20km ride, 5km run). I was mtbing in Rhayader yesterday and was still aching from the climbs in that. Wore hh freeze top and leggings, fox padded cycle shorts and black & red windproof cycling jacket, along with windproof skullcap and altura yellow cycling gloves. Was quite comfortable but never really cozy, though was sweating! 

Didnt feel fast at all from the start, so I just plodded away really, knowing it wasnt going to be a great time. Just felt tired and lethargic, nothing hurt, just no 'go'. 

Took two SIS Go Gels in jacket back pockets (one fell out after a mile or so so I had to stop and go and get it), ate one at about mile 2.75, tasted fine and good consistency, didnt need a drink afterwards, no sickiness, no cramps. Did it make me feel better? Possibly.

After the run I quickly got the bike out, helmet on, swapped shoes and set off for a 13 mile ride. Straight away my feet were cold (didnt bother with overshoes) and just got colder all the way. Bike was easier than the run, I didnt push it so hard, but the little climbs were quite tough.

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2 minutes after a 22 mile bike ride (0c, wore hh freeze top (none-zip) and bottoms, padded undershorts underneath, and padded cmmute shorts; and new black stretchy windproof top, and windproof skull cap. Was comfortable, but never exactly warm apart from the big climb. Left it all on for the run other than skull cap and gloves. Should definately have kept the gloves on as hands were freezing running, had to put them in jacket pockets a bit but that affected running.

First 'brick' session. Ride was good, transition was a bit slow. Legs were wobbly off the bike; feet were numb from the cold. Legs didnt feel great when I started running, felt very slow. Had to tie shoe lace in the first mile, then was happy to see a 7min/mile pace so just tried to maintain that. Had to tie the other shoe in mile 3!. Breathing was quite heavy for the slowish pace, and hr felt high but was actually OK.

See run stats

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